Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Can Celery Be the Cure for cancer?

Celery has a ton of nutritional benefits, being packed full of vitamins and water, bettering your health while hydrating you at the same time. But scientists have found an even more interesting property.

A recent study performed in vitro found that celery can kill up to 86% of lung cancer cells in patients. The research showed that celery induces something called apoptosis, which is the programmed death of cells. This takes care of any uncontrolled cell proliferation – something that is common in various forms of cancer.

Celery also contains a high amount of apigenin, which has been shown to possess a number of anti-carcinogenic properties. It isn’t even limited to lung cancer – apigenin also helps fight against breast, prostate, ovarian, and pancreatic cancers all around.

The study that was performed in vitro showed amazing results in killing off cancer cells, but other studies show positive results for eating celery.

One such study focused on the effects of eating celery in women, and the development of ovarian and breast cancer by consequence. The results showed that women who eat diets high in celery are about 20% less likely to develop both types of cancer.

To reinforce those findings, another set of research in China showed that people eating 2-3 servings of celery every week reduced their chances of developing lung cancer by about 60%.

These numbers are incredible, and particularly shocking because they indicate that celery (a vegetable that is commonly looked at as useless) really does more than its given credit.

Why is celery so effective?

Researchers believe that apigenin is primarily the reason why celery is so great for the prevention and treatment of cancer. This glycoside decreases the growth of new blood vessels, which consequently impairs tumor growth in cancer patients. It also disrupts glucose uptake, which attacks the cell cycle for pancreatic cancer development.

In short, it pretty much stops the key processes that cancer cells need to spread throughout your body.

While celery does contain all of these great anti-carcinogenic properties, it is also an amazing antioxidant. Eating a healthy supply of it can effectively strengthen your cell health, and help you build a strong immune system as a result.

You also get the most nutrition out of your celery by opting for organic choices whenever possible. Not only are they packed with more nutrients, but they also taste better and cook more easily than alternatives.

Hopefully, celery really is as useful as scientists are finding.

Healthy Holistic Living
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
Medical News today
Oxford Journals
Huffington Post

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Ray R Barmore
Health and Wellness Coach
The Herbal Guy
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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