Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cereal Killers - The Movie

By Dr. Mercola

The persistent myth that dietary fat causes obesity and promotes heart disease has undoubtedly ruined the health of millions of people. It's difficult to know just how many people have succumbed to chronic poor health from following conventional low-fat, high-carb recommendations, but I'm sure the number is significant.

In the featured documentary, Cereal Killers, 41-year-old Donal O'Neill turns the American food pyramid upside-down—eliminating sugars and grains, and dramatically boosting his fat intake. In so doing, he improves his health to the point of reducing his hereditary risk factors for heart disease to nil.

Watching people's reactions to his diet brings home just how brainwashed we've all become when it comes to dietary fat. Most fear it. Yet they will consume sugar in amounts that virtually guarantee they'll suffer all the devastating health consequences they're trying to prevent by avoiding fat, and then some!

Fat versus Carbs—What Really Makes You Pack on the Pounds?

The fact is, you've been thoroughly misled when it comes to conventional dietary advice. Most dietary guidelines have been massively distorted, manipulated, and influenced by the very industries responsible for the obesity epidemic in the first place—the sugar and processed food industries.

Shunning the evidence, many doctors, nutritionists, and government health officials will still tell you to keep your saturated fat below 10 percent, while keeping the bulk of your diet, about 60 percent, as carbs.(1)This is madness, as it's the converse of a diet that will lead to optimal health.

A recent Time Magazine (2) article highlighted a report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), which showed that many breakfast cereals contain more than 50 percent sugar by weight! Cereals marketed specifically to children are among the worst offenders. Kellogg's Honey Smacks and Mom's Best Cereals Honey-Ful Wheat topped the list with 56 percent sugar by weight.

Even diabetes organizations promote carbohydrates as a major component of a healthy diet—even though grains break down to sugar in your body, and sugar promotes insulin resistance, which is the root cause of type 2 diabetes in the first place.

As noted in the film: "If we could get all diabetics to eat a high-fat, high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, we would cut the insulin requirement so dramatically that it's been estimated that six pharmaceutical companies would go out of business tomorrow." Contrary to popular belief, you do not get fat from eating fat. You get fat from eating too much sugar and grains.

Refined carbohydrates promote chronic inflammation in your body, elevate low-density LDL cholesterol, and ultimately lead to insulin and leptin resistance. Insulin and leptin resistance, in turn, is at the heart of obesity and most chronic disease, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's—all the top killers in the US.


To learn more about this subject and to see the original article, go to http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/05/24/cereal-killers-movie.aspx

The following additional topics are discussed in the article.

  • Don't Fear the Fat
  • Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Are Both Necessary for Optimal Health
  • There's reason to believe that low-fat diets and/or cholesterol-lowering drugs may cause or contribute to Alzheimer's disease. (3)
  • Replacing Refined Carbs with Healthy Fat—The Answer to Most of Your Health Concerns
  • What's the Deal with Protein?
  • Your Health Is Within Your Control

(1) US Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 (PDF) Time
(2) May 15, 2014
(3) Stephanie Seneff, APOE-4: The Clue to Why Low Fat Diet and Statins may Cause Alzheimer's


For information on nutrition and losing weight, go to Rays Nutrition Center
or contact me at: raybarmore@gmail.com

Ray R Barmore
Health and Wellness Coach
The Herbal Guy
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Drinking Water Protects Against Fatal Heart Attack

Drinking Water Reduces Heart Disease Drinking Water Helps Reduce Heart Disease Risk

Want to lower your risk of having a heart attack? Drink more water, and less of everything else, new research reports.

Researchers at Loma Linda University in California found that people who drank at least five glasses of water each day were less likely to die from heat attack than those who drank two or fewer glasses per day.

In contrast, people who drank a lot of other fluids (soda, juice, coffee, tea) were more likely to die from heart attack than those who drank less, with high levels of non-water drinking women associated with more than a two-fold increased risk of death.

Officials at the college said the results reveal that drinking high amounts of plain water is as important as exercise, diet, or not smoking in preventing coronary heart disease. “Basically, not drinking enough water can be as harmful to your heart as smoking,” said Dr. Jacqueline Chan, principle investigator and lead author of the article.

The study followed 20,000 Seven Day Adventists for 6 years. They found that women who drank more than five 8-ounce glasses of water a day were 41% less likely to die from heart attack during the study period than those who drank two or fewer glasses. In high-water consuming men, that risk decreased by 54%.

But when they looked at consumption of other fluids, including coffee, tea, juice, milk and alcohol, the risk was reversed, with women exhibiting a more than two-fold higher risk of dying of heart attack and men a 46% increased risk.

While not glamorous, the degree of benefit from drinking plain water reportedly surpasses drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, taking aspirin, and other preventive measures, with none of the adverse side effects. The researchers think that drinking water keeps the blood thin. Other types of liquid probably do not do this as well, or have a negative effect. Drinks that contain the stimulant caffeine, such as coffee and tea, probably have a diuretic effect. Soft drinks and juices are full of fast sugars. In studies where subjects were made to drink three glasses of grape juice a day, the concentration of triglycerides in their blood rose as a result by fifty percent, and by thirty percent in the subjects who drank the same amount of orange juice. Triglycerides [or fats in ordinary language] in the blood increase the risk of a heart attack.

Drinking more water has no side effects and can only do you good.

Source: http://www.ergo-log.com/waterheart.html

Get help losing weight and keeping it off.

For information on nutrition and losing weight, go to Rays Nutrition Center
or contact me at: raybarmore@gmail.com

Ray R Barmore
Health and Wellness Coach
The Herbal Guy
San Diego California
Skype: barmore4

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God in America

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Healthy Coffee, Tea and Hot Chocolate
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