October 22, 2013 San Diego Union Tribune
By Perri Lynne Wittgrove, M.D.
Pregnancy at a later age: What women should know
This column is written by experts in the medical field and provides advice on men's and women's health issues.
There are many women today who have chosen to delay pregnancy until after age 35. While pregnancy is possible, it is important for women to consider certain risks involved with having a baby at a later age. Understanding these issues and knowing what steps to take is important in order to have a healthy pregnancy.
In general, once a woman turns 35, the frequency of certain problems increase:
Fertility issues: A woman's quantity and quality of eggs can decrease over time, making it more difficult for women to get pregnant as they get older.
High blood pressure or gestational diabetes: These health conditions may occur specifically during pregnancy and are more common as women get older.
Chromosome abnormalities: These issues are more likely to occur in babies born to older women. Down syndrome is one example of a chromosome abnormality.
Miscarriage: The risk of miscarriage also increases. This is thought to be due to the increased risk of chromosome abnormalities. Many pregnancies with chromosome abnormalities end in miscarriage.
Cesarean section (Csection): The frequency of pregnancy complications is higher for older mothers, which may increase risk of cesarean delivery. Additionally, as a woman's number of pregnancies increases, the frequency of placenta previa blockage of the birth canal by the placenta increases, which may also raise the risk of cesarean delivery.
Staying healthy before and during pregnancy is an important step that women of any age can take for themselves and their baby. For women who are planning to get pregnant, here are a few tips: Preconception and prenatal doctor visits: Even before becoming pregnant, women are encouraged to get a health assessment from their doctor, who can make recommendations to help increase the chances of a successful and healthy pregnancy. Regular prenatal visits can help in monitoring the health of both mother and baby.
Maintaining a healthy diet: Eating foods rich in nutrients, such as folic acid, iron, calcium and protein is important before and during pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins taken daily, beginning a few months prior to conception or earlier, is a great way to start.
Body weight: Achieving normal body weight before conception and maintaining normal weight gain during pregnancy go a long way to preventing pregnancy complications, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cesarean delivery.
Physical activity: Exercise can help pregnant women maintain a good energy level, boost comfort level and maintain overall health. Any exercise program should be discussed with a doctor prior to starting.
Avoid smoking and alcohol: These activities increase the risk of health problems to a developing fetus.
In addition, prenatal testing is an option for women who want to assess their pregnancy. Diagnostic tests, such as maternal blood tests, chorionic villus and amniocentesis, help detect chromosome abnormalities in a developing fetus. There can be risks associated with these tests, so women should talk to their doctor in order to weigh the benefits and risks.
For women contemplating pregnancy, this is an exciting time, regardless of age. By taking the proper steps to prepare, women will increase the opportunity of having a successful and healthy pregnancy.
Dr. Perri Lynne Wittgrove is a
board-certified OB/GYN affiliated
with Sharp Grossmont Hospital
The End
For additional information - http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/04/22/pregnancy.over.40/
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